
Breastfeeding Awareness Week 2015

KPJ Ipoh Specialist Hospital celebrated breastfeeding week by organising an awareness campaign at hospital level from August 3 to 8.

Juggling a new baby and developing a good breastfeeding routine can be stressful. Hence the week of breastfeeding awareness campaign to assist mothers and mothers-to-be will help to keep stress levels as low as possible and make the breastfeeding experience a positive one for both mother and baby.

Lactation nurses from the Maternity Ward took time to educate mothers and mothers-to-be throughout the week on the importance, benefits, challenges and the correct and comfortable way of breastfeeding, with demonstrations on baby bath and baby massage.

Fathers and fathers-to-be were also encouraged to be part of the process by providing mental and emotional support to their spouses.

On top of these educational tips, dos and don’ts on breastfeeding, KPJ Ipoh Dietary Unit also involved themselves in providing some healthy diet recipes and good eating habits for breastfeeding mothers.

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