
In The Name of My Father’s Estate (Episode 31)


By Peter Lee

Since Michelle Lee (Lee Sr’s daughter) failed to transfer 70% of her father’s shares in three of the family companies to her mother Mrs Patricia Lee, she tried to persuade her brother, John Lee (Lee Sr’s son) to speak to Connie (Lee Sr’s 2nd wife) in settling these share distribution through cash. However, John was reluctant to do so because he felt that it would be very difficult to talk to Connie especially after the incident where Michelle assaulted Connie. But he had no choice but to undertake these responsibilities after their mother, Mrs Patricia Lee begged him to do it for the sake of the family. John wasted no time and contacted Connie to meet up with her. She immediately said “John, what is there to talk about after your dear sister, Michelle resorted to violence with me? Furthermore, I am considering making a police report and a legal suit against her for her assault on me pending my lawyer’s advice.” John responded by saying, “Look! I am really sorry about this as I didn’t expect her to react that way. She too regretted her actions. Connie, I know how you feel now but all I want you to know is both sides of our family will not be able to resolve the distribution of my father’s estate even if you decide to make that police report and take a legal suit against Michelle.”

“As it is, I am now caught in the crossfire between you and my sister. So, it’s very difficult to carry on this way especially when you and I together with Michelle are the Administrators of father’s estate.” Connie then said, “It’s not only the crossfire between me and Michelle but also your mother, whom I have a score to settle with on the withdrawal of $3 million from your father’s joint bank account with her in Singapore. John replied and said, “That is why we need to meet to talk about all this and resolve our problems instead of dragging on the matter with deep animosity against each other. The other thing is our meeting this time will be between you and me only. Can you consider my request and if you are unhappy after our meeting, then you can walk away and proceed in whatever way you think is best for your family. So, what have you got to lose?”

After a few seconds of thought, Connie then asked, “Ok! When and where do we meet?” John said, “Is it okay if we meet over lunch tomorrow in Fine Dining Cafe located next to my office which is quite conducive for our meeting.” In response, Connie said, “Ok! I will meet you tomorrow and I want you to bring me some answers over my entitlement on the $3 million which your mother withdrew from your father’s joint bank account at ZNA bank in Singapore. This to me is the key to our discussion. Frankly, I want my entitlement as soon as possible since your mother has withdrawn the money.” John then said, “That, I need to talk to my mother.” Connie then said, “Well! I will leave it to you but tell her it’s either she release the money to me or our distribution will remain status quo especially with the 70% shares held by your father in three of your family companies.”

To be continued…

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