
Letter: Rubbish Dumping in Taman Kin Mee

I am a resident of Taman Kin Mee and am approaching you re the above as I have run out of options to highlight our dilemma. One of the residents has been bringing this issue up with the local councillor. The latter said he had been highlighting this issue but so far nothing has been done. In fact, the situation has worsened over the past months due to more dumping and for some reason, MBI workers are not clearing a section of the dump (there is perpetually two piles of rubbish all the time).

Rubbish is strewn onto the road and though it is 2-way only one section of the road can be used. When it rains, puddles of rubbish water collect on the road which makes the road more inaccessible. Not to mention the stinking smells and hygienic issues. Ironically, there is a mamak shop across the dumping area. It is an eatery and I do not know whether the owner has brought the matter to the attention of MBI.

I fervently hope Ipoh Echo will be able to be of help to us residents as nothing has been done over the years and the situation is getting unbearable.

Pauline Chai

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