It was reported in NST (February 14, 2016) that the government is expected to implement Single Price Policy (SPP) after July. This was informed by Datuk Hamzah Zainuddin, Minister for Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism.
Recently, I visited India and noticed that all the snacks packets like biscuits, mixtures and food products had the Maximum Retail Price (MRP) printed on the packets, with the price and production date printed in a white rectangular box. The price of the item is same at all outlets and also at Delhi Airport. Retailers do not have to waste their time sticking price tags to the packets. India seems to be practising SPP.
The price of medicine is also printed on the packets. When I compared the price of eye drops, the variation was more than 50 per cent in different pharmacies in Ipoh.
The Ministry should implement this policy without further delay. If a big country like India can do it, I do not see any reason why it cannot be done here. The Ministry must look after the interest of the consumers and make sure they are not overcharged by unscrupulous traders.
The price of a common snack like Menglembu groundnuts varies in different shops. This would not be the case if the MRP is printed on the packet.
Shopkeepers are increasing their prices for no apparent reason other than to make bigger profits. It is time for the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-Operative and Consumerism to implement this policy immediately and make it mandatory for manufacturers to print MRP on the packets.
If India can do it I don’t see why it cannot be done in Bolehland.
A. Jeyaraj