UTAR theatre performance ‘In Time Theatre Performance June 2016′ (25 Jun 2016)
The Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman’s Computer Society (Kampar Campus) is organising a theatre performance with the theme ‘In Time Theatre Performance June 2016’. The aim of this event is to raise funds for Beautiful Gate Foundation for the disabled. We are collaborating with this organisation by helping them in the project of developing a mobile apps name “My Friendly Restaurant Malaysia”.
The project is aimed to provide information on accessible restaurants for disabled, senior tourists and local
community with mobility, visual and hearing impairment, contribute in promoting of barrier free environment, and
also create job opportunities for disabled community. This application will observe problems that are not usually
noticed by others through the eyes of a person with disability.
This theater performance also wish to raise awareness to the public that how the innovation of technology has
changed our daily lives.
The event will be held on 25 June 2016 (Saturday) at 7.45pm in Dewan Tun Ling Liong Sik and it is open to the
Registration fee is RM25.
The details of the seminar are as follows:
Date: 25 June 2016, Saturday
Time: 7.45pm
Venue: Dewan Tun Ling Liong Sik, UTAR Kampar Campus
For more information and registration, please contact:
Neoh Shu Hui (contact number: 010-4632354) or Wong Shiun Yi (contact number: 012-4988285).