Kejohanan Taekwon-Do Kebangsaan

MALAYSIA Taekwon-Do exponents won 18 medals, including eight gold during the 2017 Kejohanan Taekwon-Do (MGTF) Kebangsaan. Led by Perak Taekwon-Do Association President and Chief Instructor Khoo Bu Leong, the 14 team members also picked up six silver and four bronze medals.
“The competition was smooth for the Perak team as they performed very well. They faced strong competition from Melaka and Pahang team.”
“Meanwhile in the male team sparring event, Perak team finally saw off to Pahang team to grab the gold after fighting hard.”
“Even though the standard of Perak team is high, but they are physically disadvantage compare to others.”
Perak team was short of a silver medal which was lost to the Pahang team, therefore missing the overall champion.
However, the Perak team managed to snatch the best male and female athletes award.
Teo Kar Sai won three gold medals while Ivy Choo Yean Nie won two gold and two silver medals respectively.
The tournament saw 100 competitors from different states which included Perak, Pahang, Melaka, Perlis and Selangor. The Malaysia Global Taekwon-Do Federation (MGTF) founder and adviser Grandmaster Professor Datuk Dr Sabree Salleh and MGTF President Grandmaster Datuk Amir Md Noor were also present to support the team.