Run for Peace – “Peace Starts with Me” (8 Sep 2019)

Soka Gakkai Malaysia (SGM) will celebrate the month of peace this September with its key activity, Run for Peace 2019 which will see more than 110,000 participants at 28 locations nationwide. Featuring a theme of “Peace Starts with Me”, it is initiated by SGM with the aim of promoting a culture of peace and a healthy lifestyle in the community.
In Perak, the 6km run will be held at Bulatan Sultan Azlan Shah, Meru, on Sunday, September 8 with an estimated attendance of over 8000 as public registrations were snapped up within just two weeks in June.
Run for Peace is a non-competitive biennial event held by SGM since 2005. To date, more than 250,000 peace lovers from all walks of life, particularly young people, have joined the run and taken a stand.
The origin of the Soka Gakkai peace movement dates back to September 8, 1957. On this day, Soka Gakkai’s second president, Josei Toda made his historic declaration calling for the abolition of nuclear weapons, condemning nuclear weapons as an absolute evil which threaten humanity’s right to live, and called for their prohibition.
At the root of such violence is the lack of concern for others. It is hoped that all participants will courageously challenge the ways of thinking that justify hate, violence and discrimination.
To find out more about the cause, visit its official website or Facebook page
By Mei Kuan