First Local Authority to Hold Lucky Draw via FB Live

By Mei Kuan
The Ipoh City Council became the first local authority in the state to hold its annual Assessment Lucky Draw for 2020 via Facebook Live while fully adhering to the health and safety standard operating procedures (SOPs) at its building lobby today.
The number of assessment tax bills settled in full for one year rose 14.5% this year with 18,472 more bills collected totalling to 148,174 bills as compared to the previous year which recorded a total of 129,702 bills.
In monetary terms, a total of RM39.45 million was collected this year, a 23.7% increase from the previous year which recorded RM31.9 million.
A total of 330 lucky draw slips were drawn with 300 consolation prizes and 30 grand prizes. The list of winners was then placed on the notice board for display.