The Deputy Minister of Education, Senator Dato’ Dr Mah Hang Soon urges everyone to register for the COVID-19 immunisation vaccination.
“It’s important to provide herd immunity as soon as possible, now that vaccination is made available in stages.
“This will also benefit kids who are ineligible for vaccination jabs, as it’s only for those aged 18 and above.”
He told reporters so during a media session after having his Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine jab received at the vaccination centre (PPV) in Stadium Indera Mulia earlier today (March 19).
“I didn’t experience any side-effects of the vaccine. It’s definitely safe for injection.
“Honestly, I don’t see any reasons why certain members of the public should refuse from obtaining the vaccination. It’s to protect not only ourselves, but also everyone around us,” he posited.
Meanwhile, Mah stated that some 4,865 teachers from around the state will be receiving the immunisation vaccinations.
“This is out of a rough total of 55,000 teachers in Malaysia who are at higher risk of contracting the virus,” he added.
Chris Teh
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