
Kudos to the Everyday Heroes of Ipoh: Sun Heng Curry Noodles

Yesterday (October 18) marked the final day of the Free Food Programme by Sun Heng Curry Noodles. The programme began in early July and a total of 15,583 packs of cooked food had been distributed across the 100 days it was ongoing. 

“This morning, people came quite early. Some were asking if we were still providing free food, knowing that today is the last day of our program. Few were seen shedding their tears…it’s kind of heavyhearted for many, including us,” said Gary Soh, proprietor of Sun Heng. 

Gary shared that the decision to start the program was quickly made when the team realised that people are truly suffering during the pandemic and many were seen raising white flags. “It was quite uneasy to see this in our country, and so I discussed with my family members about my idea and intention. 

“We started this the very next day even though we did not have any funds. Everything was from our own pockets. I then decided to contact my relatives and friends to obtain their support, as this program is quite a long commitment. We really needed the financial support to get this going and fortunately, we have received numerous donations that were sufficient for us to continue this programme. We couldn’t have done it without the help of the community.”

Although the team faced many challenges throughout the programme, they managed to pull through with help from kind samaritans who provided them with supplies and funds. Some had even volunteered to help in the kitchen. 

“We truly appreciate everyone who has helped us in any way possible, especially all the kind-hearted donors from near and far. I also want to thank those who appreciated our food, and if there were any shortcomings or any areas we did not do correctly, I do seek your forgiveness. I wish everyone the best of luck and health. Let’s stay safe and strong to overcome this difficult period,” said Gary. 

Sun Heng Curry Noodles operates at 19, Lorong Cecil Rae, Canning Garden, 31400 Ipoh, Perak from 7.30am to 3.30pm daily. To read more about what they have to offer on their menu, visit this entry on Ipoh Food Diva



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