
DOC2US Provides Free Virtual Health Advisory 

COVID-19 Task Force Supporting Malaysians Amidst the Resurgence of Cases 

In view of the continuous rise in new daily COVID-19 cases reaching  above ten thousand, DOC2US, Malaysia’s first telemedicine provider that issues digitally signed e-prescriptions in compliance with the Ministry of Health (MOH), reiterated its commitment to support Malaysians in fighting COVID-19 with the free Virtual Health Advisory via the MySejahtera and DOC2US app. 

The DOC2US COVID-19 Task Force is a voluntary telemedicine service to help the public gain adequate  information about the spread and the management of the COVID-19 pandemic besides reducing patient contact with medical healthcare specialists. Currently manned by 125 volunteering doctors and healthcare  professionals, the Task Force has logged more than 2.2 million hours to date in providing medical advice  on COVID-19 and related health issues to the public since March 2020. 

Recently, MOH has subdivided COVID-19 symptoms into Category 2A and 2B, and only those displaying  symptoms of Category 2B and above are required to go to an assessment centre (CAC). According to  COVIDNOW by MOH, 88.8% of active COVID-19 cases are home quarantined, whereas 5.4% are  hospitalised and 0.1% require Intensive Care Units. 

The Task Force is an effort aimed to reduce the burden of the public healthcare system. We also want to  inform the public of the available help and options readily accessible to them especially while they are  quarantined at home. We hope that our medical advisory services will help alleviate the angst of infected  individuals who might feel helpless and isolated,” said Dr Raymond Choy, Chief Executive Officer of DOC2US. 

To access the free Virtual Health Advisory through MySejahtera, one can simply log onto the  MySejahtera App, click on Digital Healthcare under the expanded Menu tab, and click Virtual Health  Advisory. Alternatively, one can access via the DOC2US app or https://www.doc2us.com, and click on the  COVID-19 Advisory tab.


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