ACS Ipoh Enters The Malaysia Book of Records Again

SMK Methodist ACS Ipoh makes a historic fourth entry into the Malaysia Book of Records (MBOR) with the completion of their Brick-a-thon, which constitutes the Biggest Mosaic Art Made Of Bricks. Students and teachers sacrificed their free time to toil for months under the scorching heat and humidity of our Malaysian sun to not only create a massive canvas consisting of 93,000 bricks, but then proceeded to paint an incredible piece of art onto it.
Following an opening speech by the soon to be retiring principal of the school, Mr. John Seeni, whereby he thanked the school for the parting gift of the school’s 4th entry into the MBOR, the event was then launched by Executive Councillor for Education, Higher Education and Human Resource, Ahmad Saidi Mohamad Daud, who was representing the Menteri Besar of Perak, Dato’ Saarani Mohamad.
A line of students marched out to lay down the final bricks to complete the mosaic, with Ahmad Saidi and John Seeni having the honour of laying the final brick.
Puan Siti Hajar and Puan Siti Nurhanim from MBOR then measured and confirmed the length and width of the mosaic at 63.17 metres by 31.15 metres, to the raucous delight of the students and school’s faculty.
Ahmad Saidi sportingly joked and posed with all the students before proceeding to the certification for the 4th entry into the MBOR, accompanied by performances and festivities from the students.
The school’s first entry into the MBOR was in 2007 with a kolam measuring 71 metres by 45 metres, then an aluminium structure consisting of 185,640 tin cans, measuring 52 metres by 34 metres in 2009 and in 2013, there was the Florathon, which was a mosaic consisting of over 31,000 plants that measured 50 metres by 35 metres. All were impressive but this year’s Brickathon has arguably been the most back-breakingly exhausting feat yet, with students and teachers having to carry and precisely lay down 93,000 bricks across the school’s sports field.
By KT Leong