By: Zaki Salleh
IPOH : Perak Public Library Services are temporarily closed for upgrade, roof repair and other related works at the main block of the library.
This closure is from January 15, 2024 to May 13, 2025.
The Perak State Public Library Corporation (PPANPk) said in a statement that users can still obtain the services provided during the closed period.
Library users are encouraged to browse PPANPk’s digital book virtual shelf service and u-Pustaka electronic resources which provide 903,854 digital reading materials for free at the following links:
Digital Book Virtual Shelf – https:/ home.mydig talibrary app silver-my d gital-library/u-Pustaka – https://www.u-library gov.my portal/
Library users can also still use circulation services (return and borrowing), referral services, children’s services, newspapers and magazines.
Other services such as collection materials booking, group book loan scheme, online public access catalog (OPAC), wi-fi internet facilities and other facilities and facilities at 12 libraries nearby (in Kinta District).
Users can visit PPANPk’s social media pages such as Facebook and click the link or scan the QR Code next door for the purpose of getting the library’s location.
All programs or activities of the State Public Library during the closure are still ongoing as usual and will be implemented outside the PAN location.