by KT Leong
The Perak State Youth Award Presentation Ceremony and Perak State National Youth Prime Award was held at the Kompleks Belia dan Sukan Negeri Perak last Saturday, with the awards presented by Y.A.B Dato’ Seri Saarani Bin Mohamad, Menteri Besar Perak Darul Ridzuan.
The ceremony was attended by The Honorable State Legal Adviser, Dato’ Azmir Shah bin Zainal Abidin; Honorable State Finance Officer, Dato’ Mohd Zaki bin Mahyudin; Honorable Chairman of the State Education, Higher Studies, Youth and Sports Committee, Mr. Khairudin bin Abu Hanipah; Honorable Chair of the State Housing and Local Government Committee, Mrs. Sandrea Ng Shy Ching and the President of State Youth Council (MBN) Perak, Mr Muhammad Puhaz bin Saleh.
Cash prizes, certificates and trophies were awarded to the winners, for their achievements and efforts to develop the youth of the nation, particularly in the state of Perak.
The winners of Perak State Youth Awards are as follows:
Perak State Youth Special Award – Charisma Icon
Muhammad Ikhwan Bin Zulkeflee
Perak State Youth Special Award – Entrepreneur Icon
Muhammad Saiful Hanif Bin Khairi
Perak State Youth Special Award – Entrepreneur Icon
Mohd Anas Bin Mohd Asmawi
Special Award For Perak State Youth – Icon Of Power Advance
Nazatul Shima Binti Alang Abdul Rahman
Perak State Youth Special Award – Icon Of Young Volunteers
Muhammad Amin Bin Mat Nawi
Perak State Youth Special Awards – Sports Activist Icon
Muhammad Naim Al Amin Bin Saharudin
Perak State Youth Special Award – Permata Budi Icon
Varatharasan A/L Subramaniam
Meanwhile the winners of the Premier Youth Award for Perak are as follows:
Male Individual Category
First Place – Muhammad Kamal Syukri Bin Kamarudin
First Runner-Up – Khuswindera Singh A/L Tara Singh
Second Runner-Up – Malik Syam Bin Mohammad Latiff
Individual Category Of Women
First Place – Nor Athirah Solehah Azlan
First Runner-Up – Nor Amirah Fazida Binti Zainudin
Second Runner-Up – Izzah Binti Abdul Rahman
Category Of Youth Organizations
First Place – Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung Cawangan Bagan Datuk
First Runner-Up -Majlis Belia Daerah Manjung
Second Runner-Up – Junior Chamber International Kinta
Ipoh Echo was able to catch up with the First Runner-Up of the Premier Youth Award for Perak, Male Individual Category, Mr. Khuswindera Singh A/L Tara Singh.
Representing Buntong, he expressed his appreciation for the award, as well as recollected all the hard work and effort to reach this point.
“Throughout 9 years in the youth arena, starting from 2015, there were various activities and programs which were held as well as various experiences I had towards program management and administration. I believe this recognition received is a result of hard work, dedication, commitment and hard work and perseverance for me to continue serving my Religion, Nation and Country #MalaysiaKu
“I would also like to offer my sincere thanks to my dear mother who always prays for my well-being and success. There is no love as pure as your love my mother.
“Thank you to YBhg. Datuk Haji MHussin Abd , the Advisor of District Youth Council Ipoh and the council itself, who have always supported me in all the affairs, activities and youth development works done so far.
“Thank you to Arvend Applasamy, Chairman of the Malaysian Indian Youth Council (MIYC) State of Perak and the entire leadership line-up of MIYC Perak, who have always supported all the affairs and activities all these years.