Eye Level is synonymous with excellence in children’s education. As Malaysia’s leading Self-Directed Learning (SDL), Critical Thinking and Blended Learning (Online + Offline) education provider, Eye Level brings together over 40 years of experience to be shared for your business success. The time is now for you to become an Eye Level franchisee!
What is an Eye Level franchise?
An Eye Level franchise is a one-of-a-kind children’s education business where an individual takes up our franchise brand and executes the business based on a set of standardized policies, systems and operations. As the global leading education brand in 22 countries, the philosophy, teaching methods, programs and other aspects of running the business are constantly reviewed to ensure that they are delivered in compliance with our standards. This is one of the perks of being a franchisee – the relentless support from our staff.
Eye Level is said to be a leader in Self-Directed Learning (SDL), Critical Thinking and Blended Learning. What are these concepts all about?
To realize the SDL concept, three key elements – contents, space and mentor, are used to guide students towards taking the initiative to expand their learning beyond what the teachers have taught them in the classroom. Content-wise, students develop independent learning through the use of individualised and holistic, small step-based, Eye Level learning materials. Space is where learning is done at SDL desks (3-sided library-type desks) that allow full concentration. When coaching is needed, our Eye Level instructor is always there to provide 1 on 1 individualized coaching.
Eye Level was instrumental in introducing the critical thinking concept since its inception in Malaysia 12 years ago. The Eye Level Math offers solid mathematical skills mastery by combining both Critical Thinking Math (CTM) and Basic Thinking Math (BTM). Mastery in both enables the student to acquire comprehensive mathematical thinking and skills.
Eye Level is the pioneer in introducing the Blended Learning educational model in Malaysia specially created to combine the best of both worlds – traditional, face-to-face learning and online learning methods. This concept gives each student a more personalised and interactive learning experience. What makes Eye Level’s Blended Learning unique is that the instructors and parents are able to track their students’ learning progress through academic records made available to them. Blended Learning also allows students to practice their learning topics anytime and anywhere conveniently by just logging in to the Eye Level Learning Room.
How can a new Eye Level franchisee set-up a franchise to capture the market?
Firstly, the Eye Level programs say it all (we offer Math, English, Play Math, Happy Talk and Chinese). Next, enhancement of the curriculum are conducted from time to time to keep abreast with the current education trends and children’s learning needs. Thus, a new franchisee will have the competitive advantage in the market. Plus, a new franchisee can expect a series of training and marketing support to guide them through in the initial stage of their business.
For more information, kindly contact Mr. Cheah Yew Chuan at 016 2073 909 or email Yewchuan.cheah@myeyelevel.com