Harimau Malaya Cubs Under Adaptation Exercise

Three tiger cubs of the Harimau Malaya species are now undergoing two-hour adaptation exercises to acclimate themselves with the exhibition surroundings before they’re allowed for public watching.
According to the director of Taiping Zoo and Night Safari (ZTNS), Dr Kevin Lazarus, all three cubs were shown to be compatible and comfortable with each other at the exhibition location.
“The exhibition space’s design is also taken into account in aiding the cubs to adapt themselves with uneven, bushy, pooled or grotto surfaces,” he said in a media statement.
“They will be released to open exhibition spaces in stages in order to improve their confidence towards new environments,” Kevin added. “Continued monitoring will be done during exercise until they’re fully released during operation hours of the zoo.”
The cubs undergo exercise daily from 9am to 11am. They’re named Puntum (male), Bayu and Teja (both females).
Kevin mentioned that the cubs are now showing an active disposition, playing together and always following their mother.
“In terms of food, ZTNS prepares 3kg of a mixture of meat, chicken and bones for each cub’s consumption, once daily,” he stated.
“We’ll permanently exhibit them when they are fully prepared and another announcement will be made to the public when the time comes,” Kevin enthused.
Rosli Mansor
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