
PCSH: Double Baby Joy For 2 Sisters

Sisters Beh Cui Ling, 30 years old and Beh Cui Fong, 26 years old have always been in sync and apparently their newborn babies are, too. Both sisters delivered baby boys early yesterday morning.

Both babies were delivered through caesarean section by the same doctor, Dr Tham Seong Wai, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist. Beh Cui Ling gave birth first, welcoming her second baby boy at 8.11am.

Beh Cui Fong’s son was born about an hour later at 9.17am. The sisters and new moms told Ipoh Echo that they are thrilled by the coincidence, and were not all that surprised to deliver on the same day and are now warded together in the same two bedded room.

“We are grateful to PCSH for the wonderful care given and efforts to make us comfortable, not forgetting the efforts of placing us near each other in the same room,” Cui Fong said.

Beh Cui Ling said that her first son is 5 years old and she was able to conceive her IVF baby boy. We live in separate locations, but what a joy to deliver on the same day.

We got pregnant at the same time and planned to deliver under the same doctor and in the same hospital. Their visits and management by the same O&G specialist helped tremendously during their pregnancy. Dr Tham was very supportive, providing information and helping them overcome concerns and doubts. This is going to be a double celebration in their family.

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