All MOH Facilities to go Cashless on October 1

From October onwards, all Ministry of Health (MOH) facilities will accept cashless payments via debit card, credit card and e-wallet.
Cash payments will still be available but only if the customer does not have access to a cashless payment option.
The Secretary General of the Ministry of Health in a circular informed that cashless payments are set through the Malaysian Digital Economy Blueprint 2021 for the Federal and state levels.
It was also implemented to prevent the leakage of government revenue in line with the MOH Anti-Corruption Plan 2021-2022.
“All MOH facilities will only accept cashless payments through e-payment.
“Revenue collection will be faster, easier and safer. In addition, there will be a reduction in costs and work processes in revenue collection matters and a reduction in the risk of COVID-19 infection at the payment counter,” he said.
To ensure the smoothness of this process, all State Health Departments need to take steps for this purpose.
Among them is ensuring at least 95 percent of transactions at each facility be cashless.
In addition, the facility management needs to ensure that all counter personnel are trained in the use of Terminal Point of Sale, DuitNow.
By Rosli Mansor Ahmad Razali