Lorry catches fire on highway

By Rosli Mansor
A ‘mix loaded’ lorry without cargo had 75 percent of its cab section destroyed by fire in an incident at kilometer (km) 340, Lebuhraya Utara Selatan (PLUS), heading north here this morning.
A spokesman for the Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department (JBPM) Perak said the lorry driver managed to get out of the vehicle and did not suffer any injuries.
“The fire department received an emergency call at 6.19am and then members of the Bidor Fire and Rescue Station (BBP) rushed to the scene of the incident.
“At the time of the incident, the driver was alone with no injuries. The victim managed to save himself before the lorry’s cab was destroyed by fire.
“Firefighters then extinguished the fire using two streams of hose reel until it was finished,” he said in a statement on Tuesday.
The operation led by Senior Fire Officer II Abdul Hazhar Nor Fauzi ended at 9.22 am.