
Perak Receives RM2 Million for Home Rehabilitation Program

By: Zaki Salleh

TELUK INTAN – The Ministry of Housing and Local Government (KPKT) has allocated RM2 million for the home rehabilitation assistance program in the state of Perak this year.

This allocation is set to benefit 133 housing assistance recipients in their efforts to improve the quality of life for families in urban areas.

Nga Kor Ming, the Minister, stated that RM276,000 has been donated to 15 recipients under the Home Rehabilitation Assistance Project and New House Construction Assistance in the town areas of Teluk Intan and Bagan Datuk.

He emphasized that the distribution of this allocation is part of KPKT’s compassionate efforts to enhance the quality of life within the community, particularly in the Teluk Intan and Bagan Datuk areas.

“The entire allocation follows a performance-based budget approach, which ensures that KPKT’s services and focus on the people’s welfare can be continuously enhanced,” he said.

He made these remarks while officiating the Opening Ceremony of the Teluk Intan Fiesta Program – ‘Urban Community Close to the Heart’ as part of the Sustainable Urban and Community Program (PKKB) at Dataran Menara Condong, Teluk Intan.

Further commenting on the matter, he mentioned that the recipients of the home rehabilitation assistance are among the B40 group registered with eKasih.

Among the criteria are houses that have been damaged due to age or disasters but are still repairable.

As for the new house construction assistance, it is provided for houses that have been severely damaged by natural disasters or fires and will be rebuilt on existing land or sites.

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