
PLUS add shelter for motorcyclists

By Zaki Salleh
Photo Social Media sources

KUALA LUMPUR – PLUS Malaysia Berhad (PLUS) will add shelter facilities for motorcyclists in stages as a safety and comfort measure.

Currently, 214 shelters are provided along the highway and 22 more locations will be added by the middle of next year.

PLUS in a statement informed that it is concerned about the safety aspect of motorcyclists who are always facing various risks while on the highway.

“PLUS continuously improves the facilities provided for them on the highway so that motorcyclists’ journeys are safer, smoother and more comfortable.

“Currently, PLUS Highways are equipped with 214 shelter facilities for motorcyclists including two types, namely 28 stand-alone motorcycle shelters and 186 shade under the bridge,” said PLUS in the statement.

PLUS prioritises the needs of motorcyclists on the highway, especially in bad weather or rain.

Motorcyclists are advised to take shelter at rest and recreation (R&R) areas, side stops or nearby petrol stations along the highway if faced with bad weather or heavy rain.

Motorcyclists should also always stay behind the barrier rail in the shaded area of ​​the stops for safety when stopping.

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