Perak does not propose to appoint special tourism agents, avoiding the monopoly by specific parties – Exco

By: Aida Aziz

IPOH: The state government has no intention of appointing special agents or tourism agents in the Royal Town of Kuala Kangsar, and in Perak as a whole, to avoid the monopoly of certain parties.

However, the Chairman of the State Tourism, Industry, Investment, and Corridor Development Committee, Loh Sze Yee, stated that the Kuala Kangsar Municipal Council is actively promoting the historical and unique areas in the district.

“I believe we will not establish specialization (agents) because it does not align with the aspiration to popularize the tourism sector among the people.

“When we specialize in this way, it may be monopolized by certain players in the tourism sector.

“The Kuala Kangsar Municipal Council is working to attract industry players, for example, to enhance river cruises in the area, including the Valley, Sayong, and so on,” he said.

He made these remarks in response to a supplementary question from Dr. Hashim Bujang (PN-Bukit Chandan) during the 15th State Legislative Assembly (DUN) session at the Perak Darul Ridzuan Building here on Friday.

In the supplementary question session, Hashim inquired whether the state government intended to appoint special agents or tourism agents to manage visitors coming to Kuala Kangsar.

Meanwhile, he added that continuous promotion efforts are underway to make Kuala Kangsar a tourist attraction.

“Among the promotions carried out are visits by media from Bangkok to Kuala Kangsar and visits by the Thailand Travel Agencies Association (TTAA).

“Both visits were organized by Tourism Perak to promote Kuala Kangsar to international tourists,” he said.

He further stated that, in terms of product development, restoration initiatives have also been implemented with funding applications through the state and federal governments.

Some of the restoration works carried out include the restoration of the oldest rubber tree and the Victoria Bridge with area beautification, and strengthening safety features for visitors.

Other restoration efforts include the Kuala Kangsar Clock Tower, Sungai Siput Merdeka Clock Tower, Lembah Jetty, installation of signage for Perak River Cruises, and information signs on tourism products without narration.

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