By Aida Aziz
KAMUNTING: The road along Batu 5, Sungai Relong leading to Taman Lela here, can be likened to a ‘death route.’
The lack of street lights during low-light conditions, especially early mornings and evenings, has caused numerous accidents on that route, including fatalities.
According to a resident in the area, the issue of accident risks and safety has been raised with authorities, including the State Assemblyman (ADUN), for decades.
Unfortunately, despite changes in government administrations, there has been no improvement or resolution, and the situation seems to be worsening.
Expressing disappointment, Bahari Mohd Disa, 60, residing in Batu 5, urges relevant authorities to address the issue more seriously to prevent further accidents.
He mentions that the matter has been brought up with the ADUN Kamunting since 2003, with a plea for street lights due to the hazardous nature of the area at night.
“When reported to the ADUN, regardless of the past or present, they claim to have forwarded the matter for further action, but in the end, there is silence.
“Speaking about accidents, it has happened many times, we have become accustomed, especially fatal accidents. Moreover, this area is also close to a school, and there have been cases of students losing limbs due to accidents.
“For the short term, I took the initiative to install lights in front of my fence to ensure that the road area is not too dark,” he said when met recently.
He added, that efforts to install yellow crosswalks to warn drivers to control vehicle speed, has had no impact.
“Imagine night time with a silent atmosphere and no streetlights, it’s very dangerous. Especially when drivers turn into houses near the roadside; many are forced to make U-turns for safety.
“I hope this wait ends, do something to ensure this area no longer becomes an accident-prone zone,” he said.
Meanwhile, a road user known as Aiman, 26, who frequently travels through the road, acknowledges that the winding nature of the road is also a contributing factor to its danger.
“I once witnessed an accident between a motorcycle and a car. The accident resulted in the motorcyclist’s death, which was very heartbreaking.
“It is hoped that the department or representative in this area will address the issues that require immediate action, take the best initiative to ensure that the condition of the road at night is no longer dangerously dark,” he said