
Develop a digital TV streaming application in Ipoh similar to Netflix – Mayor

By Aida Aziz

IPOH: Ipoh will develop a digital television streaming application that will showcase various movies and series, similar to the concept of Netflix.

The Mayor, Datuk Rumaizi Baharin, mentioned that this idea will be realized through collaboration between the Ipoh City Council (MBI) and a company under the direction of renowned filmmaker Datuk Afdlin Shauki.

He explained that the proposal and concept are likely to be implemented starting this year.

“We aim to boost this creative industry in Ipoh as a new economic revenue source; in my view, I want to create something like Netflix.

“It will be a digital TV format because this is the future for the industry, and we are partnering with Afdlin Shauki’s company

“Ipoh was previously recognized as a UNESCO Creative City of Music (UCCN); there will be seven sections in the application, including a section for merchandise sales,” he said.

He said to reporters while discussing insights from a courtesy visit and digital industry talks by Afdlin at MBI here recently.

Furthermore, using a similar approach to other streaming services, charges will be based on the type of content watched.

“For example, like Astro, you pay a monthly fee. But the concept we want to introduce is, for instance, paying RM1 for one movie.

“However, the concept is still under discussion, including the movies to be featured.

“Let’s start first, I always envision Ipoh becoming like Bollywood, considering theĀ  thriving creative industry there,” he added.

Previously, Afdlin, who also chairs the Malaysian Film Directors Association (FDAM), held discussions with Rumaizi regarding the digital industry and broadcasting in conjunction with Ipoh’s recognition as a UNESCO Creative City Network for music.

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