
Kafe Ah Mat: Malay Traditional Cuisine with a Touch of Mamat Khalid’s Nostalgia

By: Rosli Mansor Ahmad Razali

Upon entering Kafe Ah Mat on Che Tak Street in Ipoh, a sense of excitement transforms into sentimentality upon witnessing the personal collection of the renowned director, the late Mamat Khalid, displayed within the café.

Although having only been in operation for a month, Kafe Ah Mat has been receiving an overwhelming response from visitors of various ethnicities.

It is not just the uniqueness of the food served, but this café can evoke memories of the filmmaker behind the iconic film “Hantu Kak Limah,” which still holds its charm.

Nor Sara Mohamad, 32, the second child of Mamat Khalid, explained that Kafe Ah Mat combines the concept of a traditional kopitiam with memorabilia.

The eyes of every visitor are inevitably drawn to the left and right walls adorned with movie posters directed by her father, Mohamad Mohd Khalid, or Mamat Khalid.

“The name ‘Ah Mat’ was chosen in honour of my firstborn, Mohd Ihsan Khalid Amrul Ariff, who is now one year and three months old.

“The name Ah Mat holds a special meaning for us in strengthening our familial bond, especially the ever-fresh memories of Papa (Mamat Khalid).

“Almost all the dishes on the menu here are Papa’s favourite foods, and I am grateful that they are accepted by visitors of various ethnicities,” she said, managing Kafe Ah Mat alongside her husband, Amrul Ariff.

Furthermore, for starters, nine food items, 18 types of beverages, and four traditional desserts are served to visitors.

What’s most appealing about Kafe Ah Mat is that the price of each item is very reasonable and affordable for all segments of society. It can be said that the prices here are the lowest among the cafés in the city of Ipoh.

Among the popular main dishes are Lontong + Kuah Lodeh (RM7.50), Lontong + Serunding Jawa (RM5.00), Assam Laksa (RM8.50), Nasi Lemak Ayam Rempah (RM7.50), Nasi Lemak Sambal Sotong (RM8.50), Lempeng Nyor + Sambal Tumis (RM4.00), Mee Kari Kuah Laksa (RM8.00), and Bubur Kacang + Roti Bakar (RM4.00).

“We will change the menu items weekly so that visitors can have a variety of choices according to their preferences.

“After a month of operation, the response from the public has been highly encouraging. It is evident that the traditional Malay flavours remain the top choice, not only among the Malay community but also among various ethnicities,” she said.

Kafe Ah Mat is open every day except Mondays, from 9:30 AM to 7:00 PM.

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