
ST improved the worn-out wiring system of surau, Sekolah Rendah Agama Rakyat in Perak

By Aida Aziz
Photo ST Pejabat Kawasan ST Negeri Perak

PARIT BUNTAR: The Energy Commission (ST) implements corporate social responsibility (CSR) by improving the wiring system of prayer halls (surau) and Public Religious Primary Schools (Sekolah Rendah Agama Rakyat i.e. SRAR) in the state.

The Touchpoint CSR program was implemented by the ST Regional Office of the State of Perak which started on July 3.

According to a statement issued by ST on Thursday, among the improved suraus and SRARs are Surau Ar-Rahman, Parit Haji Taib 3, Bagan Serai, Surau Nurul Iman, Parit Gabis Bawah, Bagan Serai dan Sekolah Rendah Agama Rakyat Nur Hidayah, Taman Seri Semarak, Parit Buntar.

Improvement work began on July 3 and was carried out in collaboration with a local registered electrical contractor.

“The contractor has inspected and replaced old wiring, inspected and replaced energy-efficient electrical equipment such as fans, lights, distribution boxes and added electrical equipment.

“The Residual Current Device (PAB) on the distribution board in the school and the surau has also been replaced with equipment approved by ST,”.


Meanwhile,Director of ST Area Enforcement and Operations Department, Ir. Md Zakuan Ibrahim stressed the importance of a safe electrical wiring system and appointed electrical contractors and competent people registered with ST.

He said it was necessary to ensure that the work is done in accordance with the standards and legislation set.

“This includes the installation of PAB protection devices and an appropriate and effective grounding system to protect users from electric shock in the event of a current leak or short circuit.

“Consumers also need to be aware of electrical safety aspects and only buy electrical equipment that is approved by ST and has the ST-SIRIM label,” he said.

Users are also advised not to modify damaged electrical equipment, avoid using electrical equipment in wet conditions and do not approach overhead power lines while carrying out activities such as cutting tree branches, picking fruit or fishing.

The Touchpoint program at the Perak ST Regional Office is part of ST’s CSR initiative.

It is carried out continuously throughout the year to help premises and institutions that are not based on profit (non-profit) as well as the underprivileged, to ensure that the electrical wiring in the homes they occupy is safe.

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