
Maritime Perak Thwarts the Use of 158 Lobster Traps in the Waters of Tanjung Piandang

By: Aida Aziz

TANJUNG PIANDANG: The Maritime Enforcement Agency of the Malaysian state of Perak has confiscated 158 lobster traps following the viral video of activities carried out by five foreign nationals, recorded by local fishermen recently.

The 55-second viral video showcased a group of foreign fishermen engaged in fishing activities in the waters of Tanjung Piandang, here, on September 19th.

According to their Director, Captain Maritime Mohd Hambali Ya’akup, it was the second video of the same incident uploaded by two different individuals, via Facebook and TikTok on the same day.

“Acting on this information, Perak Maritime conducted surveillance and monitoring, discovering that the owner of the boat was a resident based at Bagan Utara Jetty, Tanjung Piandang.

“Subsequently, a patrol boat from the Maritime Zone of Kuala Kurau was dispatched to the location on September 23, 24, and 27 to collect the mentioned lobster traps.

“The investigation results also revealed that the boat owner in question was believed to have taken and stored lobster traps, remaining inactive for several days during that period,” he said in a statement on Tuesday.

Mohd Hambali mentioned that the boat carried out fishing activities using the method of drift nets, as stipulated in their fishing license.

Furthermore, he stated that surveillance and investigations would continue periodically to curb lobster trap fishing activities from proliferating.

The public, especially the maritime community, is urged to continue sharing information if they witness any violations of maritime laws.

For any reports, complaints, and emergency incidents at sea, the public can contact the MERS 999 hotline or the Perak State Maritime Operations Center at 05-6838737 for immediate action.

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