
MBI Swiftly Repairs TKK Clock Tower

By: Rosli Mansor Ahmad Razali

IPOH – The issue of a damaged clock tower and vandalism at the Medan Selera Taman Kanak-Kanak (TKK) has finally garnered the attention and intervention of the Ipoh City Council (MBI).

The MBI promptly repaired the damage to the LCD digital screen, which had previously malfunctioned. This immediate action also involved the removal of graffiti on the tower walls.

Rosdan Wahab, 53, one of the interviewed visitors, expressed that issues of public facility damage and vandalism are not limited to TKK but are prevalent throughout the city of Ipoh.

“Local authorities, particularly the MBI, should be more proactive and responsive to this problem. It would be better if they conducted regular patrols to ensure that all public facilities are well-maintained.

“Don’t wait until these issues surface on social media before taking action. In this age of technology, everyone can quickly disseminate news.

“Nevertheless, I appreciate the MBI for this action; TKK is known as a family recreation spot with many cherished memories. I hope this place will be upgraded to become even more vibrant,” he said.

TKK, also known as Medan Selera Dato’ Tahwil Azhar, is a popular tourist destination adjacent to Gerbang Malam.

The issue of damage and vandalism was brought to public attention through the Facebook page Ipoh Echo/Peraktastic on December 21 and gained traction among netizens.

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