Seminar On Special Needs Across Lifespan (5 & 6 Oct 2019)

A person with special needs presents different issues and needs in his/her development from childhood to adulthood.
In our society, special needs is often thought of as a childhood condition, with public attention focused primarily on children and the importance of early detection and intervention.
No doubt, early detection and intervention are important, The reality is special needs is a lifelong condition, and the available, necessary supports and treatments change as people with special needs move across major life phases. As the number of those afflicted with various special needs, increase, we must accommodate the pressing need for supports and programs for people with special needs across the lifespan.
Their quality of life depends not only on the foundation provided in childhood but also on ongoing supports that are specific to their educational, medical, social, recreational, family and employment needs.
This inspired us at Hospital Fatimah and Rotary Club of Kinta to connect with parents, professionals and persons with interest with special needs to organise the SERMINAR ON SPECIAL NEEDS ACROSS LIFESPAN. This enables us to make a difference in their and their family’s life.
The objectives of the seminar are:
1. Creating Awareness of:
a) importance of early detection and early intervention in special needs,
b) the varying needs and challenges faced by individuals with special needs and their families across their life span.
2. To identify parent leaders to support families with special needs through existing NGOs.
Details of the seminar are as follows: Date: 5 & 6 OCTOBER 2019 Time: 8.30 to 4.30pm. Venue: Bro. Liborius Auditorium, Hospital Fatimah Tea and Lunch Provided.ADMISSION IS FREE
For further Info, you can contact: Dr Shan Narayanan Co organising Chairman DL 055461345 or 055455777 Ext 179 or Customer Service Officer, Hospital Fatimah. 055455777 Ext 214 At your service, Dr Shan Narayanan Co Organising Chairman Resident Paediatrician, Hospital Fatimah Immediate Past President Rotary Club of Kinta.