Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin in his televised address today (July 20) reminded all to keep practising the new normal and never be complacent citing that the pandemic is not over as the number of cases in other countries remains high. Malaysia has recorded a total of 13 new clusters during the conditional movement control order (CMCO) period – a cause for concern. In addition, the number of positive cases has returned to double digits.
He warned that another MCO will impact the nation’s economy greatly.
He advised those returning from other countries to undergo self quarantine with full discipline.
According to Muhyiddin, the use of face mask may be made mandatory, with details to be announced soon.
Meanwhile, a total of RM11.14 billion of government aid has been distributed to date. Under the economy stimulus package, RM295 billion of aid has been distributed. Next, 7.7 million consumers have received 50% discount for their electricity bills.
Besides that, 545,000 micro-entrepreneurs have received Prihatin Special Grants amounting to RM1.6 billion. Economic initiatives have benefitted a total of 834,000 employers.