Participation is Free: MPC’s MyReskill IoT Programme for SMEs in August

The Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC) in collaboration with Pahang Skills Development Centre and Digital Perak Corporation Holdings will be organising a MyReskill IoT (Internet of Things) programme specially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the fields of manufacturing, agriculture and services.
It will take place from August 16 to 18 from 9am to 5pm at the Innovation and Multimedia Hub of Digital Perak Corporation Holdings in Mydin Mall Meru Raya.
With limited seats, participation is free while training kits, notes and certificates will be provided.
The upcoming programme is aimed to expose participants to the evolution and development of the IoT technology and its application in the industry.
Participants are set to gain understanding on the basics of Node-RED Programming (a tool for wiring together hardware devices and online services among others in new and interesting ways).
Other programme objectives include building confidence and honing skills in embracing the IoT.
Do take note that participating SMEs must be established in Malaysia and registered with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) besides having premises.
Participants must be Malaysians and only two from each company are allowed to join. Participating companies will be supplied with the IoT kits in one to two weeks prior to the training.
Participants will carry out a proposed project by the end of the training with guidance from programme mentors.
This programme is funded by the Malaysia Productivity Corporation, a statutory body under the Ministry of International Trade and Industry while the Pahang Skills Development Centre, a training institution providing training programmes to industrial workforce, serves as the programme secretariat.
On the other hand, the Digital Perak Corporation Holdings is the ICT arm of the state government. Its Innovation and Multimedia Hub is located at Lot G19 – G22, Mydin Mall Meru Raya, PT229142 Jalan Meru Bestari B2, Bandar Meru Raya, 30020 Ipoh.
Interested enterprises can register by scanning the QR code on the illustration below. For more information, visit the Facebook page of the Pahang Skills Development Centre.
By Mei Kuan