50th PUO Convocation Ceremony Award 2,470 Qualifications

A total of 2,470 graduates received their degrees, diplomas and special skills certificates at the 50th Polytechnic Ungku Omar (PUO) Convocation Ceremony, from 22 to 26 August.
The convocation, which was held face-to-face for the first time since the pandemic, was held at the PUO Jubilee Hall and witnessed a total of 2,417 graduates from the diploma level, 50 Bachelor’s Degrees and 3 for certificates.
PUO’s Corporate Communications Unit said through a statement on Wednesday, that the graduates involved are those who have completed their studies in the December 2020 session and the June 2021 session.
It covered diploma and certificate programmes while the March 2021 and September 2021 sessions were for the Bachelor’s Degree programme.
The Managing Director of Newton International College, Ungku Shamsoon N’har Ungku Omar was present to complete the award at the first session of the ceremony.
According to the statement, the convocation this time also gave appreciation and respect to the graduates who have shown high dedication and commitment.
“Several awards such as Ungku Omar Award, Academic and Co-Curriculum Excellence Award (Department), Best Project Award (Research and Innovation) and Industry Special Award, are given to successful graduates.
“The close collaboration between industry and PUO allows the Industry Special Award to exist to be awarded to deserving students as a recognition of outstanding academic achievements in their respective fields.
“In addition, it is a special incentive and appreciation from the industry to the students for their hard work,” he said.
In that regard, he said, in line with the 4.0 industrial revolution, the awards given are expected to be a catalyst for graduates to excel in polishing their potential and be able to compete at a more challenging global level.
He further said that the industry that contributed to the Special Industry Award was one of the leading industries in their respective fields as well as strategic collaboration partners who have always supported efforts towards making PUO the “Home of TVET Champions”.
At the third session on Wednesday, two outstanding graduates received the Ungku Omar Award, namely Adila Mahktar (Diploma in Geomatics) for the June 2021 session and Mohamad Harith Haikal Mohd Rosli (Diploma in Civil Engineering) for the December 2020 session.
by Rosli Mansor Ahmad Razali