Malaysia Iron Bound A1 Series To Be Held At Lenggong

Lenggong will be the focus of the world in conjunction with the organisation of The 12th Malaysia 12 & 48 Hours Iron Bound Adventure 1 (IBA1), which will run from 3 to 7 November 2022.
The Chairman of the Perak Housing, Local Government and Tourism, Dato’ Nolee Ashilin binti Dato’ Mohammed Radzi said the international level championship since 2002, will continue to make the state of Perak and Malaysia shine in extreme sports events.
“So far the organisers have received more than 40 international participants for the 48-hour category and more than 30 local entries for the 12-hour category.
“Adventure 1 or better known as A1 is the premier organised series of races with an adventure concept that’s world class. It supports and promotes athletes and events held locally but with national and even global standards.
“Since the first series of Australian Adventure Racing, it has continued to grow rapidly and is now the premier national series in Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.
“This race series brings together the best athletes and races in the most challenging and spectacular landscapes that each country has.
“The accreditation of this event obtained from Adventure 1 Australia and International Event Sanctioned from the World Obstacles Federation Switzerland, will make Perak one of the world-class extreme sports event destinations”, she said in the press conference of the 12th Malaysia 12 & 48 – Hours Ironbound Adventure 1, National Series & World Cup Stop 2022 – Lenggong Edition at Hotel Casuarina Meru, yesterday afternoon.
Also present were Member of Parliament for Lenggong, Datuk Seri Dr. Shamsul Anuar Hi Nasarah; Senior Director of Tourism Malaysia Domestic Division, Iskandar Mirza Mohd Yusof; The Chairman of Lenggong District Council, Mohd Amzari Mohd Arzami; Chief Executive Officer of Tourism, Perak Nurmalis Musa and Shamsuri Abd Latif, Director of the Iron Bound A1 Tournament.
The ‘Adventure Racing’ format is 12 & 48 hours non-stop. The race event of the 48-hour category (international team) will be participated by four people per team and for the 12-hour event (local team) it will be two people per team.
The Race Distance involves going around the Lenggong district as far as 250+ Km (48h) / 100+ Km (12h) and race disciplines include Mountain Biking, High Roping (Abseiling and Zip-Line), Trail Running, Orienteering, Full Navigation, Kayaking and Rafting.
Among the international participants who have signed up so far are those from Australia, New Zealand and Denmark for the international focus team (48 hours).
by Rosli Mansor