By Zaki Salleh
Photo Pasak
TANJUNG MALIM: The initiative to facilitate job seekers in finding employment continues through the Career Carnival Perak Sejahtera Tour.
The efforts through the Pusat Aspirasi Anak Perak (PASAK) demonstrate the state government’s commitment to reducing unemployment.
The district-level program in Muallim takes place at the Sri Tanjong Hall, Tanjong Malim District Council.
The program’s objective is to be a platform and give opportunities for graduates, SPM (Malaysian Certificate of Education) leavers, and job seekers.
Also involved are skill institutions such as IKBN Seri Iskandar, Giatmara Tanjung Malim, Politeknik Sultan Azlan Shah, Geomatika Skill Institute Perak, and Perak Entrepreneur & Skills Development Centre (PESDC).
A total of 2,000 job vacancies have been offered in this program.
The support from all parties in making this program a success also demonstrates the private sector’s cooperation to achieve the goals of Perak Sejahtera 2030.
The opening ceremony was officiated by the Perak State Exco for Health, Human Resources, National Integration & Indian Community Affairs, A. Sivanesan.