Emily Pledges to Serve

Running on the motto “We Serve”, the 52nd installation of president and board of directors of Lions Club of Ipoh Host was a lively affair attended by over 400 at the ballroom of Kinta Riverfront Hotel & Suites on Saturday, July 15.
“The club carried out 143 projects and activities for the fiscal year. This is a record of sorts.
“When I took up the post of president in July 2015, we had 34 members. Two years down the road, we now have 63 members,” she added. Emily is the first ever lady president.
The first Vice District Governor, Dato’ Neo Say Yeow, graced the function, as the guest of honour.
“Under Emily, the establishment of a Lions Home, mooted 24 years ago, has been realised. Lions Club of Ipoh Host now owns a Lions Home for the benefit of less-fortunate children,” Neo stated.
Ipoh Echo was duly recognised for its coverage on community issues.
Mei Kuan