MICCI Perak Annual Luncheon

Celebrating a 106-year milestone, The Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MICCI) Perak held its annual luncheon on Tuesday, October 16 at the ballroom of WEIL Hotel.
Dato’ Lim Si Boon, Branch Chairman explained, “MICCI Perak has been kept occupied in 2018. The branch organised a session with MITI, MIDA, MIDF and Telekom Malaysia on Industry 4.0, the fourth and latest industrial revolution in the digitisation and automation of manufacturing process and services. Many people actually don’t realise this revolution is also affecting the service sector intensively, especially on staffing such as in banks.”
“Our highlight for 2018 is the formation of Joint Chambers encompassing the Chinese, Malay, Indian Chambers with MICCI and FMM to address common issues faced by the business people in Perak. The joint chambers’ main task is to provide relevant, more forceful feedback to the state government on ways to further improve the economy and investment climate,” Lim added.
Lim hoped that the new state and federal government can speed up the investment in infrastructure such as road, rail, sea and air access to the state, completion of the gas supply and broadband facilities.
“We would also like to work closely with the state and federal government to continue to develop skill development centre and institution of higher learning to build capacity and capability of human resource. To my understanding, there are about 63,000 undergraduates in the state and they generally tend to be very transient. They come to study here and then move on. We hope to help them stay and grow here,” Lim enthused.
Present were guest of honour, Dato’ Seri Ir Mohammad Nizar B Jamaluddin, the Executive Councillor for Investment, Industrial and Corridor Development; Sivanesan Achalingam, Executive Councillor for Civil Society, Consumer Affairs, National Integration, Human Resources and Health; and Dato’ Gan Tack Kong, Branch Chairman of Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) Perak.
“The state is working earnestly to bring in more investments as well as encourage our existing investors to further reinvest their business operations by reducing bureaucracy. I assure you that the new government will reduce and cut all these delays caused by red tape,” Nizar highlighted.
Established in 1911, some of the chamber services include advocacy, business networks, export documentation, trade opportunities, information resources and SME mentoring. For more info, call 05 253 2233.