On Ipoh Food: Cutesy at Canning Meiko Home
SeeFoon discovers a Canning ‘Cutesy’

By SeeFoon Chan-Koppen
When my friend Liew Thin Sang called to invite me for some Laksa in Canning, I jumped at the invitation as I adore Laksa. So on the set date, my troops and I descended on Meiko Home which looks like a gift shop from the road. The facade is “cutesy Japanese”, the inside, whimsical kitsch complete with simulated bottle top Coca-Cola and Heineken tables and chairs. The walls are bedecked with gift shop whimsy: hanging doll hand towels, Panda bears, gnomes, wall hangings, model cars, children’s clothes hanging in racks, dot the space in veritable Disney fashion.
This is a gift shop I thought. But wait….surprise, surprise, there is a menu and they serve food. . . . Continue reading at Ipoh Food Diva
For more reviews, go to SeeFoon’s blog at www.IpohFoodDiva.my