Malaysia through the lenses of a Mat Salleh: Episode 2
Places of worship around KL

Malaysia through the lenses of a Mat Salleh
By Philippe A.Durant
Thanks to those who are following my photographic journey, for all the appreciation and comments. Special thanks also to Ipoh Echo for integrating this project on a daily basis in its columns.
Day 2: Places of worship around KL
I am not a religious person but everywhere I have been in the world, churches, mosques, temples, synagogues and shrines have always been parts of my photographic inspiration.
The atmosphere inside and sometimes even outside of each of them is unique and brings calm to the visitor. They are also ideal locations to reflect. The cultural and religious diversity of Malaysia offers great opportunities to photographers as long as he/she shows the required respect.
I love the colors, smells and intensity of Hindu temples, the architecture and ceilings, in particular, of Islamic mosques, and the candles, smoke, offerings and carvings of the Chinese temples in the country. In Kuala Lumpur, I had not enough time to explore each of them thoroughly. Festivals will be part of different episodes later. Today, I would like to share a few captures of the most fascinating places of worship in the capital and Putrajaya.
Do follow my daily postings about different themes and/or location and do not hesitate to comment constructively. Embark in a photographic journey in Malaysia through the lenses of a Mat Salleh.
Bon voyage.
P.S.: All the photos can be purchased and printed (in all sizes and format) with a simple request via WhatsApp/Signal at 0172409722.
I also continue shooting almost daily. To see my latest photography check and follow: