The opening of the Term 3 school session for 2021/2022 which starts on January 9 and 10 will involve students who need to be present for face-to-face classes both on a rotation basis and otherwise.
The Ministry of Education informed in a statement that the group of primary school students who are to attend face-to-face classes without rotation involves students with special needs (MBK), national special education schools (SKPK) and special education integration programmes (PPKI).
According to the statement, it also involves preschool students, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 6 as well as all students under the Supplementary Meal Plan (RMT) programme.
Meanwhile, Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 students will attend classes by rotation.
“MBK students at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Pendidikan Khas (SMKPK), Sekolah Menengah Pendidikan Khas Vokasional (SMPKV) and PPKI will attend face-to-face lessons without rotation.
“Students in transition classes, Form 4, Form 5, Form 6, pre -university and international examination classes will also attend in person without rotation if the complete vaccination rate among the group of students reaches 90 percent or more,” the statement said.
Explaining further, the statement added that on the other hand, attendance is by rotation for Form 1, Form 2 and Form 3 students.
The ministry also designated day schools and private schools, including expatriate schools with less than 300 pupils, to operate fully with no rotational attendance.
However, for schools with a total of more than 300 students, the administration can apply to the ministry to operate fully and an assessment will be made before approval is given.
“For full boarding schools, Form 4, Form 5, Form 6, pre-university, IBDP and equivalent international examination classes are to attend face-to-face classes without rotation, whereas Form 1, Form 2 and Form 3 students in boarding schools fully follow teaching and learning at home (PdPR),” he said.
The operation of vocational colleges is through physical lessons without rotation from January 9 onwards, while matriculation colleges with two-semester system and four-semester system matriculation programmes are to have classes through PdPR.
“For institutes of teacher education (IPG), all study programmes will start face-to-face lectures according to the academic calendar that is currently implemented,” the statement said.
Rosli Mansor
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