
Why celebrate Mother’s day

The mother is everything-she is our consolation in sorrow, our hope in misery, and our strength in weakness. She is the source of love, mercy, sympathy, and forgiveness. He who loses his mother loses a pure soul who blesses and guards him constantly – Khalil Gibran

  1. A day of appreciation

365 days, 12 months and 52 weeks in a year and only one day to show your appreciation to the woman who has been taking care of you since you were little, feeding you, working hard everyday to support you and provide you with the best education. As children, father or husband, it is our responsibility to celebrate the woman who has endured pain and challenges in raising and taking care of everyone.

  1. Show how much she means to you 

Admit it, you are no longer showing your affection to your mom. A simple thanks for keeping the house neat or a hug for cooking your favourite meal. You used to do that but it feels awkward now with the passing  years. Maybe it is hard to show how much you love her every day, maybe you don’t have the time to give her a kiss on the cheek once in a while. So take this Mother’s day and show how much she means to you or how much you appreciate her efforts in making everyone happy.

  1. A chance to spoil her

Buy flowers, chocolates, gifts or just spoil your mom with anything she wants on this Mother’s day. If your mom don’t want anything, maybe you can make a gift from scratch. Photo album, cards or perhaps baking cakes. On this special day, let her rest while you do the chores.

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