Cancellation Notice: Family Day Food Fair 2020

Notice From Ruman Orang-orang Tua (PKK) Simee / Home For The Aged (CWS) Simee
In line with the Government’s announcement on COVID-19, the Organizing Committee has made the decision to cancel the Family Day Food Fair which was initially scheduled on Sunday, 16th April 2020 and subsequently postponed.
This decision was made in line with the proactive measures taken as mass gatherings could potentially pose infection risks to those that attend the Food Fair.
The Organizing Committee would like to give our deepest appreciation to everyone for your patience and kind understanding. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused due to this matter and we look forward to seeing your support at the next food Fair.
Frequently Asked Questions
- I have already bought the Food Fair Tokens. Can I still use them?
Yes, the Home will honour the Purchased Tokens 2020. You can still use them during the next Family Day Food Fair.
2. Will there be a refund for the Food Fair Tokens I bought?
The purchased Family Day Food Fair Tokens 2020 can be refunded from the Home starting 1st October until 31st October 2020.