A concerned citizen recently voiced his discontent at the service carried out by the Ipoh City Council (MBI) in regards to the maintenance of the fields at Lim Garden. The citizen, Mr. Francis, is a contributor to his community and has had a hand in organising several events to help the community, such as the train the trainer course on mental health last year. He has expressed his concern for his community with Ipoh Echo since at least 2012 here.
By Francis Vije
“First, the long time that grass is left uncut at Taman Lim fields. It takes 4-5 weeks before the grass gets cut.
Second, the cut & unswept cut grass at the Taman Lim fields.
This is the never ending story of inefficiency by MBI. It happens every month. All the cut grass goes into the drains & clog them. Hence the dengue problem. Caused by MBI. This shows the inefficiency of MBI.
Today, some residents from Taman Lim went to clear up the cut grass left by MBI in one of the fields. Wonder why we still pay Assessment fees to MBI? In spite of their years of deficiencies.
Hopefully this will stop soon with the Unity Government. Furthermore, it’s the place where our Prime Minister comes from.”
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Ipoh Echo
Good write up. Every word is the truth. I am also from Lim Garden.