Contemporary Art Talent Award 2023 won by Perakian

By Zaki Salleh
Photo Balai Seni Negara
TELUK INTAN: Perak-born artist, Mohamad Zulkifli Mohd Jais, made a name for himself when he was crowned the winner of the Contemporary Young Talent Award 2023.
The announcement of the winners was held in the compound of the Menara Condong Teluk Intan.
His sculpture, titled ‘Temporary Marking,’ tells the story of the Menara Condong Tower Teluk Intan through an artistic perspective.
As the winner, Mohamad Zulkifli, 28, received an early prize of RM30,000 and will represent the country at the Geangju Biennale 2024 in South Korea.
The Contemporary Young Talent Award is a biennial visual arts competition open to young Malaysian artists under the age of 35.
Initiated by the National Art Gallery since 1974, inspired by London’s New Contemporaries program, the CYTA has continuously evolved into a prestigious platform, recognized as a stage for the nation’s emerging young talents.
The CYTA 2023 featured over 50 participants, both individual and group artists, from across the country
The prize to the winner was presented by the Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.
Also present at this event were the Chief Minister of Perak, Datuk Seri Saarani Mohamad, and the Minister of Tourism, Culture, and Arts, Datuk Sri Tiong King Sing.