
Our Invisible Doctor

“We can heal ourselves by connecting to our invisible doctor.” This is the message given by Nunnapatt Sucharit, Natural Healer from Thailand during her talk on ‘The Art of Connecting with our Invisible Doctor’, which was organised by Brahma Kumaris Malaysia, Ipoh Branch and held at Fit Pit Studio, Bercham.

Nunnapatt said that breathing is automatic and caused by movement of our diaphragm. Normally our posture restricts movement of the diaphragm and because of bad posture most people do not breathe properly. This is one of the main reasons why we get pain while doing routine chores at home and at work.

Due to bad posture people develop humps or other abnormalities over the years. She checked the spines of the participants and explained what was not normal. She informed the group that some of the causes for disproportion of the left and right shoulder were due to slinging bags on the shoulder, carrying bags in one hand and wearing high heel shoes.

She emphasised the importance of performing stretching exercises daily to loosen stiff muscles, the need to consume more alkaline food such as vegetables and fruit and where possible, to avoid meat and meat products which are acidic. She also admonished participants to drink fresh juice instead of coffee.

As part of an active workshop, Sucharit also demonstrated a few exercises which could be done in minutes to heal ourselves. This was followed by a short meditation session and the participants were guided on how to open their chakras which are energy centres in the body.

She reiterated that we understand ourselves best and should avoid negative thoughts and practise having positive thoughts. She also stressed the need to understand the power of silence.

In summary, the whole workshop was an enlightening session with the emphasis on creating the awareness that our health is in our hands. We can heal our body and soul from within with some simple exercises, meditation and positive thinking.

A Jeyaraj

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