Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin reminds the public to undergo a COVID-19 self-test as a precautionary measure if they wish to return to their hometown.
He said that if the country enters the endemic phase, roadblocks will no longer be implemented, including inspections on individuals who have been fully vaccinated or vice versa.
“If the interstate travel ban is lifted, everyone has to be responsible for their own actions. I believe we can face this challenge in #ReopeningSafely.
“If you wish to go back to your hometown and meet the elderly, do a COVID-19 (RTK) saliva self-test kit. Take care of their safety too.
“Only 1.6 percent left (not fully vaccinated) before the state border is opened. Now the Ministry of Health (MOH) has transitioned into symptomatic testing.
“We urge those who have met a lot of people, been in a crowded environment or of high mobility to do tests on a regular basis,” he tweeted on Twitter today (October 6).
Previously, data posted on the COVIDNOW website showed that 20,698,852 (88.4 percent) of the adult population in the country had received complete COVID-19 vaccination while 94.5 percent had received at least one dose of the vaccine.
The Prime Minister, Dato’ Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob had earlier announced that cross-state relaxation will be allowed when the country reaches a 90 percent adult vaccination rate.
The matter was decided at the Pandemic Management Special Committee Meeting chaired by the Prime Minister on September 22.
Rosli Mansor
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