A total of 13,727 Form Four and Five students in Perak have received one dose of COVID-19 vaccine since the vaccination programme for the group of teenagers began on Monday.
Executive Councillor for Education, Higher Education and Human Resource, Ahmad Saidi Mohamad Daud said it involves a total of 41 vaccination centers (PPVs), including those in schools.
According to him, to ensure a smooth vaccination process after this, all school teenagers will receive an appointment to be vaccinated through the MySejahtera application or the Vaksin Anakku portal.
“To avoid congestion, all PPVs in Perak, including schools, will no longer accept school teenagers who walk in directly to be vaccinated.
“On the other hand, vaccine administration to the group will be implemented via set appointments,” he said.
He mentioned this after reviewing the implementation of the Vaksin Anakku programme at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama (SMKA) Sultan Azlan Shah, Seri Iskandar today (September 23).
In the meantime, Ahmad Saidi said his party was also informed that the response received through the Vaccine Anakku programme was positive among the parents of the students.
He said there are parents who went to schools and PPVs to ask about the application details of the Vaksin Anakku programme.
“This shows the determination of parents to ensure that their children receive the vaccines, so that the safety of family members are strengthened as the reopening of school approaches,” he said.
Rosli Mansor
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