The average rate of school dropouts recorded from 2018 till 2021 for primary schools in Perak was between 0.03% to 0.06%.
For secondary schools, the dropout rate was around 0.7% to 0.9% out of the overall total of students for that year.
Executive Councillor for Education, Higher Education and Human Resource, Ahmad Saidi Mohamad Daud said the stated percentage included students at government and government-aided schools obtained via the records of the Student Database Application (APDM).
According to him, the rate of dropout recorded for Sekolah Murid Orang Asli (SMOA) for 2018 was 0.85%, 2019 (0.72%), 2020 (1.35%) and 2021 (0.82%).
“Based on the research by the Ministry of Education (KPM), dropout is caused by poverty, family issues, health, lack of interest to study and discipline, among others.
“Other issues included marriage, lack of documents, transportation problems, disability, fear of going to school, work and death.”
He said so when answering a question of Sandrea Ng (PH – Teja) during the state assembly sitting today.
He added that some dropouts continued their studies at sekolah pondok (religious schools), international schools and schools not registered with the ministry such as madrasah.
He also explained that a small number of them chose homeschooling or followed family to migrate to another country.
Rosli Mansor
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